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Interest Group Activities

The Shed is open for members from 08.00 a.m. to 03.00 p.m. each normal week day. 

For those who may not wish to use the workshop, there are interest groups that meet for activities such Cooking, Guitar Playing, Art Classes, Photography, Card Playing, Computer Tuition, Travel and Darts.

ART - Painting & Drawing

This is a tutor assisted group that uses a variety of mediums (oils, acrylics, water colour, pencils/colour pencils, pastels etc. The tutor  helps you to get started and provides tips on how to improve your work. Previous experience is not necessary. Members supply their own equipment (brushes, paints and canvases or paper etc). Subjects are their own choice. A weekly meeting provides a happy, caring and supportive environment for all attendees.



​In this group Kevin Lindeberg, our well-known political cartoonist and former TAFE teacher, teaches the basics of cartooning faces, bodies, movement and constructing a setting in which the cartoon is relevant. His program also involves fine-tuning the message and figures needed to make the cartoon cutting, memorable, insightful and to the point in either a serious, ironic or funny way. Those interested need only turn up with a desire to learn (and have a laugh) 

Card Playing Group

Members come together weekly to play cards - 500 & Bridge - for fun and serious games.

Chess Group        (New)

Members come together weekly to play chess - Check calendar for meeting times.


Carpet Bowls

Carpet Bowls is held in the recreation room and new bowlers are always welcome.  No experience is necessary.  Bowlers gather about 15min before start time to participate in the draw for teams for the games. We bowl the last bowl at 2.45 to allow time to roll up the mats and clean up before shed closes at 3.00. With two mats we can cater for up to sixteen bowlers at any one time. However, the average is four to eight bowlers each afternoon.

Cooking Group

Members learn different processes from cooks with years of experience. Every fortnight participants make a new dish giving you skills that are helpful outside the shed environment. The smells coming from their efforts make others feel very hungry.

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Music groups offering guitar and ukulele lessons plus a JAM and band activity.

A successful group provides music both upfront and background for MGMS functions.

Heart Fit Exercise Group

A very lively group that gets together twice a week to do low impact exercises to music.

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Native Bee Group

New members are always welcome. Just come along to one of our regular meetings. Some members of the Native Bee Group are experienced native beekeepers while others are just starting out in beekeeping. Experienced members pass on advice and tips from their many years of experience. The Group has designed a standard hive for native bees which can be made in the Shed Workshop. Some Group members make their own hives.

Photographic Group

A dedicated band of members who dart around many MGMS functions to produce a picture history of MGMS adventures.

Each Month there is a topic to explore and capture.



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3D Printing Group

This group was started by Shed Members to explore new technologies, but in the first instance focused on 3D Printing  This group fits so nicely within the sheds activities, because it helps develop forward thinking using advanced technologies to enhance existing activities within the shed. It is a steppingstone to other interests:-Electronics, 3D Design using CAD software, CNC milling,  Laser Etching and Robotics. It's fun to make things sourced from  the internet or designed by the member using free software.

Travel Group

The activities of the men's shed travel group is aimed at developing social outings for members to promote good will, good friends, and good fun. We do this by organizing camping trips (caravans, cabins, campers), day and longer-term bus tours, Day and longer term boat cruises, alternating visits to coastal and country places of interest.

Meetings are held monthly to plan our calendar of events, usually in a local park so that wives and partners can attend.

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Writers Group

Got a need to tell a tale? The writers group evolves with interests of members. It began as a process for collegially supporting members to enhance their skills in recording family histories and memoirs by participants for family and friends. It expanded to include the ‘Stories from the shed’ project. This includes helping those with stories to tell, but sometimes limited publishing capacity to support their storytelling. It aims to enhance communication with family and sometimes the broader community.


Our shed has an active garden section and we welcome members to get involved. It includes an ornamental flower garden and a small (but productive!) veggie patch.

We grow herbs to be used in the shed cooking classes and members can also take home produce.

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