Men Making A Difference
Mount Gravatt Men's Shed Inc. (MGMS) is a not-for-profit community association which is incorporated and has an ABN and a tax file number.
Donations to the Shed are tax deductible.
Like most NFPOs we need your support so that we can provide the facilities and opportunities for our members.
Workshop Tools & Equipment
Beginner workshop activities require hand tools - saws, planes, chisels, hammers .
Intermediate activities need machinery - electric drills, grinders, routers, sanders, jig saws, scroll saws, drop saws, track saws, bench grinders, linishers, planers/thicknessers.

Wood working hand tools -Saws, Planes, Chisels
Metal working tools - Pliers, snips, punches,
Wood turning tools - gourges, scrapers
Workshop Materials and Supplies
Workshop activities require require a wide range of materials and hardware. We are always looking for Steel (rod, flat, RHS square, round) Wood (soft woods, ply sheets, studs) Aluminium, Acrylic Sheets, General hardware fittings, Spray Paint, Timber Stains, Sand Paper and 12v electrical components.

Nuts, Bolts, Screws, Rivets
Acrylic Sheets

Workshop activities require materials
What we do with donated tools.
Firstly if we can use the tools or equipment it will be put to use in our shed.
If it is excess to our needs we usually refurbish, then either sell it to raise funds for our shed or alternatively we work with smaller sheds and pass it on.