Men Making A Difference

Thinking about Joining?
Members of our Shed come from all walks of life – the bond that unites them is that they are men with time on their hands and would like something meaningful to do with that time whether that be in the workshop or part of the many and varied interest groups.
Mt Gravatt Men's Shed has developed a safe and happy environment where men are welcome to work on community projects, specific shed projects or a project of their choice in their own time and where the only ‘must’ is to observe safe working practices….all in a spirit of mateship.
Activities currently available at the Shed
Wood Work / Carpentry
Wood Turning, Carving & Scroll Sawing
Metal Work – Sheet Metal Fabricating, Metal Scrolling & Welding
CNC Routing
Laser Etching
3D Printing
Small Engines
Leather Work
Native Bee Keeping
Art – Drawing, Painting & Cartoons
Music – Guitar, Ukulele, Band & JAM Sessions
Indoor Bowls
Heart Fit Exercise
Writers Group
Opening Hours
8.00 am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday
The shed is closed on the Monday when the Social meeting is held
Check the Monthly Activity Calendar for individual activity timings.
Males from 18+.
Membership Application Fee $20.
Annual Membership Fee
(Jul to Jun) $65.
Monthly Social Meeting
including Lunch $8.
Daily Attendance Fee $3.
Activity and Course Fees –
From $0 to $50 (Depends on the consumables. Most are $10).
It's up to the individual.
Most members attend at least once per week.
There are lots of opportunities to help in the running of your shed.
There are rules and these are laid out in
The Constitution,
The By-Laws and
The Code of Conduct
H & S
It is a requirement that ALL new members and re-joining members who wish to use or visit the workshop MUST undertake the Health & Safety Program before entering the workshop.
Orientation Program
It is a requirement that ALL new members and re-joining members undertake the Orientation Program.