Men Making A Difference
Native Beekeeping
Members making their own bee hives in the workshop
Native Beekeeping
Over the past few years, keeping native bees has become very popular in the northern parts of Australia, and particularly in Brisbane. There are three main reasons why people keep native bees
 they are an easy-care pet  they are very good for pollinating native and exotic plants, including herbs and vegetables
 about 0.8 kg of honey a year can be collected from an active hive
We are a vibrant group of MGMS members aiming to assist others who want to keep native bees. Some members of the Native Bee Group are experienced native beekeepers while others are just starting out in beekeeping. Experienced members pass on advice and tips from their many years of experience. Activities of the group include:
 Provide each member of the group with the resources to acquire a hive
 Build hive boxes for sale to members with the proceeds going to the shed.  Maintain some hives at the shed and increase their number
 Help members to increase their knowledge by discussion at meetings, field trips and talks by experts
 Maintain contact with the Australian Native Bee Association to monitor general research especially latest thoughts on hive design
We meet on the third Thursday each month at 10 am usually at the shed but sometimes at other locations. Advice is given of any changes of location. Shed members would be welcome to come to any activities to get to know the group and explore whether they want to join the group. Bill Semple